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Capital Gains Tax

The main rate of capital gains tax is 10 percent for basic rate taxpayers and 20 percent for higher rate taxpayers.  In the event that the gain covers both tax bands then a combination of the two rates will be…

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COP 8 & COP 9 Tax Investigations

HM Revenue and Customs may issue a COP 9 notice if they suspect a taxpayer of serious tax fraud.  These investigations are generally opened if HM Revenue and Customs expect to recover taxes in excess of £75,000 and they are…

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Due Diligence

When the shares in a company are acquired, the new owner acquires the company in its entirety including its history.  As such, there is a greater commercial risk compared to simply acquiring an asset as the value of the company…

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Employee Ownership Trusts

Introduced by the Government in 2014 to expand employee share participation, Employee Ownership Trusts (often referred to EOT’s) have become one of the most popular options for owners to secure a tax efficient exit from their business. Properly structured, the…

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Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme (EMI)

The Enterprise Management Incentive scheme is a share option scheme which is approved by HM Revenue and Customs and enables share options to be granted to employees at the company’s discretion. Each employee who participates in the EMI scheme must…

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Family Investment Companies

Family investment companies (often abbreviated to “FIC”) have become a popular inheritance tax planning tool in recent years. These normally have two classes of shares often called “frozen shares” and “growth shares”.  Generally a family’s older generation can look to…

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Inheritance Tax Planning

Generally speaking inheritance tax applies to the estate of a person who has died.  Subject to some exceptions, there is no liability to pay if an estate has a value of £325,000 (the ‘nil rate band’) or if the estate…

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Management Buy Out (MBO)

An MBO arrangement is a common vehicle used to pass a company over to its management team or, quite often, other family members working within the business. In general terms, an MBO arrangement will involve the incorporation of a new…

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Patent Box

Patent Box is a valuable tax incentive which is intended to increase innovation by encouraging companies to turn their research and development into commercial products.  It achieves this by applying a reduced corporation tax rate of 10 per cent to…

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